Sponsorship Opportunities

When I started my YouTube channel in 2016 I wanted to provide free resources that pupils could access anywhere.

Moving forward I want to continue to improve the quality of my content whilst working in partnership with suitable brands or products.


The profile of people that consume my content are mainly secondary school pupils taking their GCSEs. These geography students are interested in the world. The connection between the physical and human environment. These are young people that are passionate about the world they live in and are just starting their own individual adventures. This next generation will be moving forward and influencing how we consume and manage our resources, implementing environmental policy and making the world a better place.

There is also a large community of teachers and educators in the social space. These professionals are passionate about teaching and sharing resources, whilst also excitied to educate young people in the significance of the global community.

2023 YouTube Analytics:

  • Total subscribers 17,400

  • 55.2% 13-24 year olds


  • 26,100 hours watch time

  • 5.3 million impressions